Where we belong

Celebrating diversity at our home.

At Woodford Manor, acknowledging, accepting and celebrating diversity in our home is an important part of our philosophy. We endeavour to ensure that every resident feels safe, supported, loved, and nurtured in their home and amongst our community. Our home supports a personalised and tailored approach to care, where our dedicated team will sit down with new residents upon entrance to the home and get to know them so that we can tailor particular activities and events in our lifestyle program.

Our dedicated lifestyle team work hard to prepare a range of fun, interesting and diverse activities that are of interest to residents. This is everything from cultural days, to reminiscing on past travels, and everything in between.

Lee-ann Swan, Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator at Woodford Manor, tells us that her team try and promote equal opportunities for all residents as she believes that diversity helps to combat isolation and loneliness. ‘We try and offer as many opportunities to meet new people with similar interests and backgrounds,’ says Lee. ‘Being country, we are lucky to have so many residents with the same interests, but we have found that our coffee and cake mornings has been a great way to interact our residents before engaging in our larger activities.’

The home offers a varied lifestyle program that keeps residents active, engaged, social and challenged too. ‘ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day are very important days for us,’ says Lee. ‘NAIDOC Week, Easter church services, and our football tipping has been very popular with lots of banter.’

Woodford Manor have also recently completed a project with OPAN about a diversity, cultural puzzle project and is a key feature in their home. Lee tells us that the puzzle wall encourages residents to sit and chat about their feelings and what is important to them. ‘With any activity, it takes time and sometimes trust for a new resident to engage in new activities and feel safe and trusted, but our lifestyle team always listen, chat and do our best to make our residents feel like they can express themselves,’ says Lee. ‘We like to make their journey fun and enjoyable. Putting a smile on someone’s face is the most special thing of all.’

Woodford Manor resident, Catherine Taylor, moved to the home in August 2023 and tells us what she loves most about the community and how she feels safe, nurtured and welcomed by all. ‘The staff here at Woodford have made me feel so welcome, they’re friendly, and understand my needs,’ she says. ‘When I first arrived, I felt uncomfortable, and it took me awhile to settle in. I joined the NRL football tipping competition and started to make some really good friends.’

When asked what diversity means to her, Catherine replies, ‘We are all here for the same thing, it doesn’t matter where you’re from, size or nationality, we should treat everyone with respect and dignity.’

Catherine tells us that it is the people and activities at the home that have contributed to the feeling of belonging. ‘I started to make some really good friends when I moved here, with some of my friends, we have sat and spoken about their feelings,’ she says. ‘It makes me feel special that they feel comfortable with me, and I can help them. There are so many activities, special cultural days which seems to cover everyone’s needs, too much to choose from sometimes.’

When asked about how she feels about living at Woodford Manor, Catherine responds, ‘I like everything about Woodford Manor and how they treat everyone as equal.’

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